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Join date: Feb 5, 2021


Hi! My name is Dominique DiFalco and I am the Marketing Coordinator at Paul Hemmer Company. Though my education isn't construction based (I only made it through one semester of the minor!), I spent three co-op rotations during my time at the University of Cincinnati working in construction. My first experience was spending two semester in Seattle working as a marketing intern for a residential roofing company. Two years later amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, I was struggling to find a final co-op when I I found myself back in construction as a marketing co-op with Paul Hemmer Company.

In November 2020 I accepted my job offer and I joined PHC as a full-time employee in January after my graduation in December!

I am excited to join NAWIC and the Cincinnati chapter and help work to make PHC a more diverse and involved organization!


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